My Life Photobooks


What are the countries of your origin? It often feels like a treasure hunt to discover new details about our ancestors. However, what I found truly satisfying was when pictures, stories, genealogy reports and, even memorabilia were all combined in one PhotoBook. You may want to document both sides of a family tree or celebrate the life of just one ancestor or a combination of ideas. Your designer can help find the best choice for you. No matter what your decision, an Ancestry PhotoBook is fascinating for all generations. My 11-year old granddaughter is mesmerized when I share stories of Grandpa Rod’s childhood pranks (he melted crayons and used them to “paint” his teacher’s cat). If you are ready to be inspired and entertained, let’s get started on your Ancestry PhotoBook. Once the rest of the family views your book they will want a copy - so plan to order multiples of this masterpiece. The PhotoBooks we create for you are made from archival quality materials and are guaranteed to last for over 200 years.

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